So it was another night out to see John Cooper Clarke. This time the venue was Birmingham Town Hall on a wet autumn night. The venue was up market compared to some of the dives we have seen him in and the performance reflected this with probably one of the most polished I have ever seen Johnny Clarke give. Too many highlights and I can’t remember most of them anyway. Some old classics, Beasley Street, Evidently Chicken Town and a whole host of soon to be classics including one about jail and the sometimes touching I Fell In Love With My Wife. He still looks every bit the rock star and his rock n roll references are always on the mark. His one liners are smart, limericks hilarious (There Once Was a Man With A Beard), the poems are never less than brilliant and when he goes off at a tangent he takes the audience with him into his wonderful offbeat world located somewhere just outside Cosham (There Once Was A Man From Cosham). To be honest he could read out the phone book and could make it entertaining. It was good to see some t-shirts on sale at one of his gigs and the Evidently Chicken Town one Sam got is probably the coolest T-shirt I have ever seen. What the world needs right now is a new album of Johnny Clarke material! Will we get one? That is a two pipe question Sherlock!
Evidently Chicken Town